
Re­turn Of Blei­chen­ba­cher’s Ora­cle Thre­at (ROBOT)

2018 - Hanno Böck, Juraj So­mo­rovs­ky, Craig Young

27th USE­NIX Se­cu­ri­ty Sym­po­si­um (USE­NIX Se­cu­ri­ty 18) [At­tack web­site]

Post­Script Un­dead: Pw­ning the Web with a 35 Years Old Lan­gua­ge

2018 - Jens Mül­ler, Vla­dis­lav Mla­de­nov, Den­nis Felsch, Jörg Schwenk

21st In­ter­na­tio­nal Sym­po­si­um on Re­se­arch in At­tacks, In­tru­si­ons, and De­fen­ses (RAID 2018) [Paper]

Se­cu­ri­ty Ana­ly­sis of eIDAS – The Cross-Coun­try Au­then­ti­ca­ti­on Sche­me in Eu­ro­pe

2018 - Nils En­gel­bertz, Nu­rul­lah Er­i­no­la, David Her­ring, Vla­dis­lav Mla­de­nov, Juraj So­mo­rovs­ky, Jörg Schwenk

12th USE­NIX Work­shop on Of­fen­si­ve Tech­no­lo­gies (WOOT '18) [pdf]

Eva­lua­ti­on of eID and Trust Ser­vices

2018 - Nils En­gel­bertz, Nu­rul­lah Er­i­no­la, David Her­ring, Juraj So­mo­rovs­ky, Vla­dis­lav Mla­de­nov


At­ta­cking De­ter­mi­nis­tic Si­gna­tu­re Sche­mes using Fault At­tacks

2018 - Da­mi­an Pod­debni­ak, Juraj So­mo­rovs­ky, Se­bas­ti­an Schin­zel, Man­fred Loch­ter, Paul Rös­ler

IEEE Eu­ropean Sym­po­si­um on Se­cu­ri­ty and Pri­va­cy, EuroS&P 2018 [full ver­si­on]

Is Math­ML Dan­ge­rous?

2018 - Chris­to­pher Späth

In: Lang­weg, H., Meier, M., Witt, B. C. & Rein­hardt, D. (Hrsg.), SI­CHER­HEIT 2018. Bonn: Ge­sell­schaft für In­for­ma­tik e.V.. [Link] [PDF]

More is Less: On the End-to-End Se­cu­ri­ty of Group Chats in Si­gnal, Whats­App, and Three­ma

2018 - Paul Rös­ler, Chris­ti­an Main­ka, Jörg Schwenk

IEEE Eu­ropean Sym­po­si­um on Se­cu­ri­ty and Pri­va­cy, EuroS&P 2018 [paper] [sli­des (RWC 2018)] [video (RWC 2018)]

On Se­ver­al Ve­ri­fia­ble Ran­dom Func­tions and the q-de­ci­sio­nal Bi­li­ne­ar Dif­fie-Hell­man In­ver­si­on As­sump­ti­on

2018 - Se­bas­ti­an Lauer

The 5th ACM ASIA Pu­blic-Key Cryp­to­gra­phy Work­shop (APKC 2018)

Mehr Si­cher­heit und Be­nut­zer­freund­lich­keit für Fern­si­gna­tu­ren

2018 - To­bi­as Wich, Se­bas­ti­an Schu­berth, René Lot­tes, Tina Hühn­lein, Det­lef Hühn­lein

DACH Se­cu­ri­ty, 2018

Out of the Dark: UI Re­dres­sing and Trust­wor­thy Events

2017 - Mar­cus Nie­mietz, Jörg Schwenk

16th In­ter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Cryp­to­lo­gy And Net­work Se­cu­ri­ty (CANS 2017) [Con­fe­rence] [PDF]