Betreuer: Nurullah Erinola, Marcel Maehren, Robert MergetBeginn: Now
Weitere Details:
The chair for Network and Data security develops a tool suite used to analyze TLS libraries, called TLS-Attacker (, which we also use try more advanced automatic analysis techniques. We always have open topics for bachelor and master students who want to do something in this field. A potential thesis could extend current tools, develop entirely new tools or analyze TLS implementations with existing tools. The exact topics we have available frequently change, so if you are interested in such a topic, we can schedule an informal meeting to try to find a topic that fits your personal strengths.
If this sounds good, send us (both) an Email, and we can schedule a meeting.
Variable, but we are mostly looking for people who have a good understanding about TLS and have experience in Java, as all our tools are written in Java. It is advantageous if you did the TLS Implementation course, a seminar, or did a BA/MA-Project with us.