A The­ses about XYZ and TLS/TLS-At­ta­cker


Be­treu­er: Nu­rul­lah Er­i­no­la, Mar­cel Ma­eh­ren, Ro­bert Mer­get

Be­ginn: Now

Wei­te­re De­tails:


The chair for Net­work and Data se­cu­ri­ty de­ve­lops a tool suite used to ana­ly­ze TLS li­b­ra­ries, cal­led TLS-At­ta­cker (https://​github.​com/​tls-attacker/​tls-attacker), which we also use try more ad­van­ced au­to­ma­tic ana­ly­sis tech­ni­ques. We al­ways have open to­pics for ba­che­lor and mas­ter stu­dents who want to do so­me­thing in this field. A po­ten­ti­al the­sis could ex­tend cur­rent tools, de­ve­lop en­t­i­re­ly new tools or ana­ly­ze TLS im­ple­men­ta­ti­ons with exis­ting tools. The exact to­pics we have avail­able fre­quent­ly chan­ge, so if you are in­te­rested in such a topic, we can sche­du­le an in­for­mal mee­ting to try to find a topic that fits your per­so­nal strengths.

If this sounds good, send us (both) an Email, and we can sche­du­le a mee­ting.


Va­ria­ble, but we are most­ly look­ing for peop­le who have a good un­der­stan­ding about TLS and have ex­pe­ri­ence in Java, as all our tools are writ­ten in Java. It is ad­van­ta­ge­ous if you did the TLS Im­ple­men­ta­ti­on cour­se, a se­mi­nar, or did a BA/MA-Pro­ject with us.