Abgeschlossene Abschlussarbeiten

Implementation of a BadUSB Kernel Module

Jens Müller -

[BadUSB] [USB Gadget API] [BadPI]

Security evaluation of PDF features

Vladislav Mladenov, Jens Müller -

Analysis of OAuth and OpenIDConnect Libraries

Christian Mainka, Vladislav Mladenov -


Jens Müller -

[RFC 3411] [snmpbulkwalk] [OID-info] [IPv4 SNMP scan]

Expanding the Browser Issue Archive

Dominik Noß -

Security Analysis of Chinese Web Browsers

Dominik Noß -

History of the Document Object Model (DOM) in Web Browsers (Master Thesis)

Dominik Noß -

History of the Document Object Model (DOM) in Web Browsers (Bachelor Thesis)

Dominik Noß -

On the End-to-End Security of Group Chats in Instant Messaging Protocols

On the End-to-End Security of Group Chats in Instant Messaging Protocols

Tibor Jager, Christian Mainka, Jörg Schwenk - 12.2018


Evaluating KeyExchange Confusions in TLS

Robert Merget, Juraj Somorovsky -
