Ana­ly­sis of Fi­nan­ci­al-gra­de API (FAPI) Li­b­ra­ries (Ba­che­lor)


Be­treu­er: Louis Jan­nett, Chris­ti­an Main­ka, Vla­dis­lav Mla­de­nov

Wei­te­re De­tails:


The main goal of this the­sis is the eva­lua­ti­on of Fi­nan­ci­al-gra­de API li­b­ra­ries.

The the­sis con­sists of three parts:

  • Sys­te­ma­tiza­t­i­on of Know­ledge: A de­scrip­ti­on of the FAPI Pro­files will be pro­vi­ded first [1]. Se­cond, a com­pre­hen­si­ve over­view of the re­la­ted work re­gar­ding the usage and the se­cu­ri­ty of the FAPI will be done.
  • In­stal­la­ti­on and con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on: A com­pre­hen­si­ve list with avail­able FAPI li­b­ra­ries will be crea­ted. Con­se­quen­ti­al­ly, the li­b­ra­ries will be in­stal­led, con­fi­gu­red and made avail­able as a Do­cker con­tai­ner.
  • Eva­lua­ti­on: All sup­por­ted fea­tures will be do­cu­men­ted as a pre­pa­ra­ti­on step for a se­cu­ri­ty ana­ly­sis, which is part of ano­ther the­sis.

[1] https://​openid.​net/​wg/​fapi/​


  • Linux
  • Do­cker