07.10.2019 - Juraj Somorovsky
In August 2019, we organized the second edition of the Workshop on Attacks in Cryptography (WAC2). This workshop was part of the famous CRYPTO conference in Santa Barbara and its aim was to bring together researchers working on cryptographic attacks. They provided a showcase of their work for the Crypto community. Among others, invited list of speakers contained Matthew Green, Mathy Vanhoef, and Nadia Heninger.
The workshop website with the slides is available here: https://crypto.iacr.org/2019/affevents/wac/page.html
Thanks to our sponsors (CASA and Hackmanit), we were also able to record videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeeS-3Ml-rpo5tZgu7J2MhnrCJf0lSsqn