
Se­cu­ri­ty En­gi­nee­ring for Ze­ro-know­ledge Wa­ter­mark De­tec­tion

2005 - Ah­mad-Re­za Sa­de­ghi, Andre Adels­bach, Mar­kus Rohe,

Spe­cial Ses­si­on on Media Se­cu­ri­ty, WI­A­MIS 2005, 13-15 April 2005, Mon­treux, Swit­z­er­land.

A Broad­cast En­cryp­ti­on Sche­me with Free-Ri­ders but Un­con­di­tio­nal Se­cu­ri­ty

2005 - Ul­rich Gre­ve­ler, Andre Adels­bach,

First In­ter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Di­gi­tal Rights Ma­nage­ment, Syd­ney 2005 to ap­pe­ar: Sprin­ger LNCS. [PDF]

An­ony­mous Data Broad­cas­ting by Mi­suse of Sa­tel­li­te ISPs

2005 - Ul­rich Gre­ve­ler, Andre Adels­bach, Sven Lö­sch­ner

Pro­cee­dings of 22C3 Chaos Com­pu­ter Club (CCC) Con­gress, Ber­lin, 2005, to ap­pe­ar. [PDF]

Com­ple­men­ting Ze­ro-Know­ledge Wa­ter­mark De­tec­tion: Pro­ving Pro­per­ties of Em­bed­ded In­for­ma­ti­on Wi­thout Re­vea­ling it

2005 - Ah­mad-Re­za Sa­de­ghi, Andre Adels­bach, Mar­kus Rohe,

to ap­pe­ar in ACM Mul­ti­me­dia Sys­tems Jour­nal.

Cont­ri­bu­to­ry Group Key Agree­ment Pro­to­cols, Re­vi­si­ted for Mo­bi­le Ad-Hoc Groups

2005 - Mark Ma­nu­lis,

in Pro­cee­dings of the 2nd IEEE In­ter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Mo­bi­le Ad-hoc and Sen­sor Sys­tems (MASS 2005), In­ter­na­tio­nal Work­shop on Wire­less and Sen­sor Net­works Se­cu­ri­ty (WSNS 2005), 07-10 No­vem­ber 2005, Wa­shing­ton, USA. [IEEE CS Link] [Bib­tex] [PDF]

Da­ten­schutz­ver­let­zun­gen bei In­ter­net­zu­gän­gen via Sa­tel­lit

2005 - Ul­rich Gre­ve­ler, Andre Adels­bach,

Da­ten­schutz­nach­rich­ten, 01/2005, pp. 4-7. [PDF]

Ef­fec­tive Pro­tec­tion Against Phis­hing and Web Spoo­fing

2005 - Se­bas­ti­an Gajek, Rolf Opp­li­ger

9th IFIP TC-6 TC-11 Con­fe­rence on Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons and Mul­ti­me­dia Se­cu­ri­ty (CM­S2005), LNCS 3677. pp 32-42. Co­py­rights Sprin­ger-Ver­lag, Hei­del­berg Ber­lin. [Sprin­ger] [Bib­tex] [PDF]

Em­bed­ding Trust into Cars—Se­cu­re Soft­ware De­li­very and In­stal­la­ti­on

2005 - Ah­mad-Re­za Sa­de­ghi, Andre Adels­bach, Chris­ti­an Stüb­le, Ul­rich Huber,

Third Work­shop on Em­bed­ded Se­cu­ri­ty in Cars (escar 2005), Co­lo­gne, Ger­ma­ny, No­vem­ber 29-30, 2005. Con­fe­rence pre­sen­ta­ti­on [pdf]

En­for­cing Re­gio­nal DRM for Mul­ti­me­dia Broad­casts with and wi­thout Trusted Com­pu­ting

2005 - Ul­rich Gre­ve­ler,

First In­ter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Di­gi­tal Rights Ma­nage­ment, Syd­ney 2005 to ap­pe­ar: Sprin­ger LNCS. [PDF]